The Toolbox - Step 3

Posted by Joel Stephens on March 03, 2021


What does all this mean?
Purpose = to answer my questions about the text.

Study the contexts of the passage, working “outward.”

▪ What’s the context of the chapter/story?
▪ ...context of this biblical book?
▪ How does this passage fit in the context of the entire Bible?
▪ Contribution to the Story of Scripture (Creation → Fall → Redemption → Restoration)?

Consult additional resources to help guide you in finding your answers.
▪ Cross-reference other Scripture passages, especially if there are parallel passages.
▪ Study Bible Notes
▪ English & Bible Dictionaries
▪ Bible Encyclopedias and Atlases
▪ Commentaries and Word Study Aids (

Rework your summary sentence(s) of the passage to state the biblical writer’s intended message for his original audience.

Example: “Jesus wanted his disciples to emulate the faith of the widow by completely trusting Him.”

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